80+ Contoh Soal tenses Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

Untuk melatih kemampuan kita dalam penguasaan materi bahasa Inggris, kita harus sering-sering mengerjakan soal latihan bahasa Inggris. ensiklopedia1.COM telah merangkum berbagai contoh latihan soal dan jawaban materi-materi bahasa Inggris yang telah dijelaskan dalam website ini.

Dibawah ini adalah 80+ Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya. Untuk melihat jawaban yang benar anda bisa melihatnya di menu “answer”. Selamat mencoba!

Simple Present Tense

  1. ___ I write a letter?
    a. Does
    b. Do
  2. ___ sun rise in east?
    a. Does
    b. Do
  3. When the phone ___, please answer it.
    a. ring
    b. rings
  4. Birds ___ chirp.
    a. Does not
    b. Do not
  5. ___ birds chirp?
    a. Does
    b. Do

Lihat soal simple present tense selengkapnya disini: Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

Present Continous Tense

  1. He (read) a book now.
    a. are reading
    b. is reading
  2. What (you do) tonight?.
    a. is you doing
    b. are you doing
  3. Andi and Susi (work) late today
    a. are working
    b. is working
  4. Rudi Subono (not listen) to music.
    a. are not listening
    b. isn’t listening
  5. Widodo (sit) next to Paul.
    a. is sitting
    b. are sitting


Lihat soal present continous tense selengkapnya disini: Contoh Soal Present Continous Tense dan Jawabannya

Present Perfect Tense

  1. You ___ me.
    a. haven’t calls
    b. haven’t calledd
    c. haven’t called
  2. ___ they ___ the exam?
    a. Have ___ took
    b. Have ___ take
    c. Have ___ taked
  3. The movie _____ . Please be quiet !
    a. have began
    b. has began
    c. has begun
    d. have begun
  4. Your friend ___ been happy all day.
    a. have
    b. has
  5. What ___ today?
    a. have you done
    b. had you done
    c. has you done

Lihat soal simple present tense selengkapnya disini: Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

Past Continous Tense

  1. What (you / do) yesterday?
    a. are you doing
    b. was you doing
    c. were you doing
  2. My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie.
    a. My little sister and I were not watching a movie.
    b. My little sister and I was not watching a movie.
    c. My little sister and I are not watching a movie.
  3. The children ________ outside.
    a. were playing
    b. was playing
    c. are playing
  4. My teacher ________ the exercise to me.
    a. was explaining
    b. were explaining
    c. is explaining
  5. They …. TV when I arrived.
    a. were watched
    b. were watching
    c. was watching


Lihat soal past continous tense selengkapnya disini: Contoh Soal Past Continous Tense dan Jawabannya

Bab Preposition

  1. Her Mother birthday is …. May.
    a. on
    b. in
  2. Mona’s birthday is …. the 7th of December.
    a. on
    b. in
  3. Do you want some pork …. the chicken?
    a. along with
    b. out of
  4. It was dark …. the tunnel
    a. inside
    b. on
  5. He was driving …. the town
    a. before
    b. toward


Lihat soal prepositions selengkapnya disini: Latihan Soal Prepositions dan Jawaban

Apakah anda bisa mengerjakan soal di atas dengan benar? Berapa jawaban anda yang benar? Berapakah jumlah jawaban anda yang salah? Baca kembali materinya dan ulangi lagi mengerjakan soal di atas agar dapat lebih memahami Latihan Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris pada situs ini.

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