30 Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

Kali ini ensiklopedia1.COM mencoba memberikan Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya. Kamu harus memahami tentang Present Perfect Tense terlebih dahulu agar bisa mengerjakan soal di bawah ini.

Jika kamu belum memahami Present Perfect Tense, baca dulu artikel: Pengertian, Rumus Present Perfect Tense dan Contoh Kalimat.

Usahakan agar kamu tidak melihat kunci jawabannya terlebih dahulu. Kerjakan pada kertas kosong, kemudian koreksi dengan kunci jawabannya.

Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal rumus present perfect tense dan jawabannya:

  1. She ___ here for seven weeks.
    a. has been
    b. have been
    c. had been
  2. I ___ English.
    a. has studied
    b. have got studied
    c. have studied
  3. I ___ my keys.
    a. had lost
    b. has lost
    c. have lost
  4. She ___ the exam.
    a. ‘s passed
    b. ‘ve passed
    c. ‘se passed
  5. Aisyah ___ breakfast.
    a. has cooking
    b. have cooked
    c. has cooked
  6. He ___ too much coffee.
    a. has drink
    b. has drank
    c. has drunk
  7. She ___ dinner.
    a. has cooked
    b. have cooked
    c. has cooking
  8. School ___ yet.
    a. have not started
    b. has not started
    c. has not starte
  9. He ___ my mother.
    a. has not meet
    b. hasn’t met
    c. has’nt met
  10. I ___ English for 3 years.
    a. haven’t studied
    b. had not studied
    c. has not studied
  11. They ___ yet.
    a. has not arived
    b. haven’t arrived
    c. have not arrivved
  12. They ___ the book yet.
    a. haven’t found
    b. haven’t founded
    c. hasn’t founded
  13. She ___ the kitchen.
    a. has not cleanned
    b. hasn’t cleaned
    c. have not cleanned
  14. They ___ well.
    a. hasn’t slept
    b. haven’t slepted
    c. haven’t slept
  15. You ___ me.
    a. haven’t calls
    b. haven’t calledd
    c. haven’t called
  16. I ___ that book.
    a. hasn’t read
    b. haven’t read
    c. haven’t readed
  17. ___ he ___ your family yet?
    a. Has ___ met
    b. Has ___ meet
    c. Have ___ met
  18. ___ they ___ the exam?
    a. Has ___ taken
    b. Have ___ take
    c. Have ___ tooked
  19. ___ they ___ the exam?
    a. Have ___ took
    b. Have ___ take
    c. Have ___ taked
  20. How long ___ he ___ here?
    a. has ___ worked
    b. have ___ worked
    c. has ___ works
  21. My sister ___ my cakes.
    a. has eaten
    b. have eaten
    c. has eat
  22. Has your dad ___ the letter?
    a. written
    b. wrote
    c. writing
  23. The woman ______ her book.
    a. hasn’t read
    b. haven’t read
    c. hasn’t readed
  24. How much coffee ________ today ?
    a. have you drank
    b. have you drunk
    c. have you drink
    d. has you drank
    e. has you drink
    f. has you drunk
  25. The movie _____ . Please be quiet !
    a. have began
    b. has began
    c. has begun
    d. have begun
  26. Who ____ my car?
    a. have stolen
    b. has stolen
    c. has steal
    d. have steal
  27. Your friend ___ been happy all day.
    a. have
    b. has
  28. We ___ cut our hair today.
    a. has
    b. have
    c. had
  29. How long ___ English?
    a. had you studied
    b. has you studied
    c. have you studied
  30. What ___ today?
    a. have you done
    b. had you done
    c. has you done

Jika kamu sudah menguasai materi present perfect tense, selanjutnya baca: Pengertian, Rumus Present Perfect Continous Tense dan Contoh.

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